This is truly a question which is going to have a different answer for every single driver out there (or soon to be driver). The cost of your auto insurance policy will be dictated by so many factors, therefore it is important to understand what these are, in order to find the best rate, and highest levels of coverage, with the top insurance providers for less. When shopping for auto insurance, these are a few factors which are going to affect your rates, so consider these when setting aside your budget for auto insurance coverage.
No matter which insurance provider you go through, auto insurance rates are determined by variable factors. But, with every insurer, your:
The type of coverage you purchase (liability, comprehensive, collision,etc) will affect the rates you pay for coverage. There is no way to get around these variables, as every insurance provider is going to ask you these questions in determining your rates. These factors assess your riskiness as a driver, how risky your car is to insure (based on theft, possible citations, etc), and how likely you are to get into an accident, all which will play a role in the costs of your policy.
In addition to the fixed variables listed above, there are certain variables you can control to a certain extent. For example if you are moving, going to a building or home with a garage will help reduce rates. Since your car is parked inside, and is being protected via surveillance on site, insurers will give you a break on costs. The type of car you choose (luxury versus a normal, everyday car) and the color of the vehicle you choose, will also help bring costs down. An average car, which doesn't stand out (make loud noises, speed up easily, etc) are vehicles which are less likely to be pulled over or targeted by cops.
Your driving record is another biggie. If you have a clean record, are a safe driver, don't have any citations, your rates will go down. So this is one of the main variables you are in control of, which will truly drive your rates down.
Good driver discounts for safe drivers, good student discounts, bundled package discounts, military discounts, are a few of the many discount offerings insurance providers might offer to you as a driver. Ask for these! You can believe insurance companies aren't willing telling you about ways to save, so ask. The worst that can happen is they tell you that you aren't eligible to save, but if you are, the savings can be grand in many instances.
Insurance rates aren't flat, steady rates for every driver; they can vary greatly from one person to the next, in the same age bracket and location. When comparing auto insurance policies and insurers, make sure you are familiar with these variables, as they are going to play a role in the price you will pay for coverage.