If you plan to travel out of state in your car, the good news is that your home state car insurance will most likely cover you during your trip. Most auto insurance companies provide extended coverage to any state in the U.S. Most American auto insurance companies, in fact, will also keep covering your car even if you are driving in Canada. However, when it comes to travel abroad to Mexico and other countries, your auto insurance company is not likely to extend your insurance.
You should be aware of the fact that traveling out of your state is not similarly treated to moving. In case that you are permanently moving to another state your auto insurance company will not provide the same coverage as if you are just traveling with your vehicle in another state.
In case that you are permanently moving to another state you should purchase a new auto insurance policy. If you are content with your current auto insurance company, you may check with them before you move whether it possible to provide you a new auto insurance policy for the new state. If possible, this would make your transition easier.
In case that your current auto insurance company does provide policies for your new state, your only alternative is to start comparison-shopping in order to find a new provider. It is recommended to compare at least three quotes when looking for a new auto insurance company, in order to make sure you find the best price for the policy you need.
In case that you cause an accident while traveling in another state, you will be held financially responsible for ant property damages and injuries suffered by others, even in the few states where having a car insurance in not mandatory. Your liability auto insurance covers these claims.
Each state has its own requirements in terms of minimum limits for the liability car insurance. Your car insurance will rise in most cases to meet the minimum liability limits of the state you are traveling currently.
Additionally, if your auto insurance policy doesn’t hold a certain type of coverage required in the state you are traveling, your insurance provider will likely temporarily extend that coverage to you. This means you don’t have to worry about being covered by your auto insurance policy when traveling out of state and just enjoy your vacation.
As mentioned above, except Canada, if you want to drive while traveling abroad, you need to ensure your auto insurance policy provides you enough coverage. The car insurance protection carried in the U.S. will be inadequate elsewhere in most instances. You have to check the auto insurance need for the countries you plan to drive in, before going on vacation.
In order to find out more about the car insurance needs in your country of destination you may check with the vehicle rental company you plan to rent from or contact your car insurance agent. In order to get additional protection you may also check with your credit card companies. Visa, for instance, provides vehicle rental insurance protection. If you decline the rental car company’s collision damage waiver and use your Visa card for the car rental payment, they provide you theft and collision coverage.